Suppressed Anger Lead to Brain Fog and Cancer
Cancer has emotional roots.When the immune system fails to function properly, normal cells can mutate into cancer cells. Researchers verify the fact that the more you suppress your negative emotions, the more susceptible you are to cancer indeed. Researchers from the University of Rochester and Harvard School of Public Health found that people who suppress anger have a 70% higher risk of dying from cancer. A University of Michigan study found that suppression of anger predicted earlier mortality in both men and women. Studies found that people experience a severe emotional trauma or shock 18–24 months prior to their cancer diagnosis.
#Depression and Brain Fog
Hippocampus takes memories from different sensory regions of the brain and connects it into a single “episode” of memory via the nervous system.
Depression and fatigue go hand in hand. They are interdependent. Research shows that depression affects the brain’s reward system in a negative way by altering the amount of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is in charge of our feelings of pleasure and even motivation. A disrupted reward system affects our motivation to a certain degree and result in mental fatigue and physical fatigue.
Depression causes debilitating fatigue because “depression affects neurotransmitters associated with alertness and the reward system,” said Don Mordecai, being a psychiatrist and the national leader for mental health and wellness at Kaiser Permanente. Again, our mental state has an impact on your energy levels. Accord ing to Mordecai, fatigue is more likely to be a possible symptom of depression.
Depression also takes a toll on motivation, making it physically and emotionally exhausting to carry out simple tasks,Sari Chait said, being a clinical psychologist based in Massachusetts.
When you have depression, your brain demands more energy to help you get through the day, and that’s why you feel more tired and ineffective. The vicious cycle breeds fogginess. There’s a concrete relation between inflammation, brain fog, and depression. Our emotions and stress do highly affect our autoimmune system and inflammation level.
Depression disturbs the balance of the ‘feel-good’ chemicals serotonin in the brain. Studies show dejected emotional states such as self-denial or self-hatred can relate to elevated inflammatory chemicals that make you feel even foggier.
Stress affects levels of serotonin and dopamine, all of which play an essential part in regulating our mood, motivation and energy level. Researches proved that stressful life events significantly increase a person’s risk of developing a major depressive disorder. The end of a relationship or close friendship, death of a loved one, significant financial loss, job changes or even cancer diagnosis are common traumatic events for people to deal with. Everyone has to deal with disappointment, betrayal and separation in life. No one can accompany you like forever. We never know the exact timing when we will leave the world. Depression is a common cause to make a person withdraw from social activities that he/she refuses to socialize with others. Not anyone knows how to share the pain and suffering inside. It does take time to digest the pain. It depends on how you interpret the life troubles in life. Take time to know more about “God’s discipline” in the Bible and you might find the answer you are looking for. Stress causes inflammation in the body, which often leads to insomnia or hypersomnia.
#Self-Healing Mechanism
There are 50 to 75 trillion cells in a human’s body and nervous system is the master of body’s immune system. A single neuron handles as many as 833 impulses per second. How does the body heal broken bones? Most people who break their bones heal very well due to stem cells and bone’s natural ability to renew itself with new bones.
# Negative Emotion, Cancer and Tumor Growth
Research shows that people who carry chronic-angry are more likely to suffer more frequent colds, flu’s infections, asthma, skin disease flare-ups and arthritis (Boerma, 2007).
It’s no secret that anger causes the release of the stress hormone, cortisol. And coristol can potentially cause a multitude of negative effects on the body. Too much cortisol in the body cause an imbalance of blood sugar level and suppress thyroid function and decrease our bone density. Hormonal imbalance does impact our body’s overall immune system.
Emotions impact tumor growth. The link between our emotions and our immune systems is verified by many studies. A person’s negative feelings do have influential impact to his brain. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression have a negative impact on the body’s ability to fight against a disease. Positive emotions reinforce our immune response.
Existing studies suggested that activity in the brain’s reward system help regulate the way in which the immune system functions. Intense suppressed anger may have a strong connection to cancer.Chronic suppressed anger is very common among human beings that people bury their anger. Also, there is evidence to show that suppressed anger can be a precursor to the development of cancer. Because suppressed anger weakens our immune system.
Mental wounds affect the production of melatonin in the body. Indeed, melatonin inhibits cancer cell growth. When the emotional reflex center of the brain is damaged due to emotional trauma, the organs begin to break down and increase the risk of cancer.
As we feel stressful, elevated stress hormones deplete adrenaline levels in the adrenal glands. The body has limited reserves of adrenaline. In the long term, chronic stress or negative emotion will deplete adrenaline, and ultimately lead to cell mutation.Without the tumor suppressor genes to regulate cell death, the cells will mutate into cancer cells.
#Reward System and Immune System
Existing studies suggest that brain’s reward system affects how the immune system functions. Also, the nervous system and the immune system affect each other. Indeed, the reward system in our brain reinforces the immune system’s response to harmful bacteria.
# Neuroplastic Change Is Reversible
Neuronal connections determine activation and communication between brain circuits. Repetitive behaviors and thoughts alter the circuitry of the brain. Our brains form neuronal connections and neural traits based on our repeated mental states and repetitive behaviors and way of thinking. In other words, day-to-day behaviors have measurable effects on the brain’s structure and function. Negative neuroplastic changes make the brain function degrades, which are commonly misunderstood as the signs of aging or early aging.
Neuroplasticity assures human beings is given with the gift from God to recover from stroke, brain injury, birth abnormalities, symptoms of autism, ADD and ADHD and other brain deficits. Likewise, depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive patterns can be healed and reversed
# Dopamine assists in building neuronal connections
When an urge is satisfied, the brain would release dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter. Dopamine gives pleasure and dopamine is an essential component of neuroplastic change.Dopamine assists in building neuronal connections.
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to alter its structure and function based on our daily experiences, particularly our repeated behaviors, emotions and thoughts, whether negative or positive.
Depression, chronic stress and PSTD can potentially cause memory loss. Fortunately, the memory center keep growing new brain cells in adult life.
The ongoing remodeling in the brain’s structure and occur every single day. Negative neuroplasticity’ occurs in people with psychiatric disorders.
#Depression Makes You Tired
Depression is one of the most common mental health struggles around the world, which might trigger hopelessness, insomnia, brain fog and chronic fatigue. Studies found that people who experience brain fatigue usually wakes ‘unrefreshed.’ According to a 2018 report, debilitating fatigue affects over 90 percent of people with major depressive disorder.
#Depression and Cognitive Dysfunction
Brain fog is formally referred to as “cognitive dysfunction.” Studies found over 85% of people with depression experience brain fog. Brain fog encompasses a collection of symptoms. Common symptoms of cognitive dysfunction include memory loss, difficulty of concentration, irritability, chronic fatigue, etc.
# The casualty of unbeatable fatigue
Most people agree that insomnia is closely related to depression. The relationship between insomnia and depression is bi-directional. In other words, people with depression are more likely to experience fatigue, and people with chronic fatigue are more likely to become depressed. Also, insomnia increases the likelihood of depression because our brains fail to fix the cells due to sleep deprivation. A restless cycle of negative thoughts, anxiety, fear of losing something important such as a life-time-chance makes it harder to get a good sleep.
“There is a part of the brain that translates unpleasant experiences into long-lasting memories […]When we are experiencing a trauma or pain […] the neurons in the brain fire electrical impulses in unison and make strong connections to one another […] strong connections that make strong stored memories […]the more painful the memory, the harder it will be to overcome.” Quote from HOW NERVES AFFECT OUR THOUGHTS
How emotions may impact tumor growth
Anger and Cancer: Is There a Relationship?
Anger and cancer: an analysis of the linkages.
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