Film Review| Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)|Ending an Unhealthy Relationship Comes with 6 Blessings

An Introvert's Garden Library
5 min readNov 14, 2019


Good love relationship gives you comfort rather than heart-broken tears and endless sleepless nights. Every single relationship is just an experiment in the life journey. Ending an unhealthy or loveless relationship should be viewed as a wise way to stop hurting each other and stop getting hurt.

#1. Recognize the difference between false love and true love

There are persons who claim their love for you but they are not. And it’s never easy to distinguish a men’s affection.

Mostly, men who hold prejudice against divorced women are mean-spirited. No exception. Having a divorce does help you delete the bad options in your future dating life.

I’ve seen many women view themselves or their life as a failure because others said so. To put it in other ways, if someone stupid call you a fool, will you take it or not? If a terrible person calls you a bad person, will you take it or not?

#2. Once you overcome your biggest fear, you are fearless.

Once you counter your biggest fear, it’s perfectly easy to deal with little fears.

We have seen countless divorced women survive and thrive after ending a bad or unhappy marriage. Mostly, divorced women learn to shake off the public eye behind. Hence, they become the boldest and strongest people because they stop living for the sake of public eye.


Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Wendy Davis, Sheryl Sandberg, Elizabeth Gilbert are just a few in many names of divorced women who prove to embrace a better life after ending an unsuitable relationship.

# 3. Earn the second chance to fall into love again with Mr. Right.

Your future is literally yours. We should never label divorce a heartbreaking experience but a second chance to find true love.

#4. Save time for never-ending quarrels and secure more time for rest and self-improvement.

You have full autonomy over your time and money. You are allowed to can go wherever you want with another person’s permission. You earn more time to explore more hobbies and interest.

Saying goodbye to a wrong relationship saves you energy and time to work on a troublesome unhappy marriage by means of persistent useless negotiation. What is assured, ending a bad relationship or troublesome marriage promises better mental health and wellbeing. Ending a bad or unsuitable relationship is the best decision for the sake of self-love and self-respect.

#5. The positive meaning of divorce: Stop hurting and change for the better

Say goodbye to Mr. Wrong is necessary if you want to embrace your Mr. Right for the rest of your life.

The negative energy results in a bad marriage can make people sick, depressed or insomnia. If you allow yourself staying in an unhappy or even abusive marriage, you sacrifice your future without awareness or not.

Those who are depressed are those who lose hope in the future.

#6. Have a better life quality and sleep quality after ending a bad or wrong love relationship.

No more heart-broken conversations, no more heated arguments and no more sleepless nights.

Studies show women who have been separated after a loveless marriage are happier than their male counterparts. A study by Kingston University meant to analyze the impact of divorce trauma on men and women. Researchers surveyed 10,000 people in the U.K. between the ages of sixteen to sixty. In the survey participants were asked to rate their happiness before and after their divorce. During a 20-year period, researchers found that women were happier and more satisfied with their lives after divorce.

Professor Yannis Georgellis[1] asserts “In the study we took into account the fact that divorce can sometimes have a negative financial impact on women, but despite that it still makes them much happier than men.”

People wondered what help divorced women move on to a more fulfilling life after divorce and why do women handle divorce better than men. As I know, more than half divorce decisions are made by women in most countries.

Most women born to have strong desire to build a family when they were little because of education or something. I heard hundreds of true stories. Women file for divorce because they can’t bear it anymore. Marriage life is too tough to endure. And they found their life much better after ending a troublesome or abusive relationship which is rife with big fighting or even domestic violence.

According to a survey commissioned by Style magazine, 53% divorced women are ‘much happier’ after ending an unhappy relationship. [2]

As high as 61% of divorced women said they were happier to be single. The survey found divorced women tend to use more positive words like ‘glad’, ‘celebration’ and ‘excitement’ whereas men were more likely to talk about ‘failure’ and ‘disappointment’ after getting a divorce.

Additionally, men were more likely to harbor the feelings for a former partner (17% versus 8% for women), and yet they were quicker to start dating again than women, with more than 30% likely to be in a new relationship.

49% respondent saying their partner had changed and 14% admitting it was them who has changed. Mutual unhappiness was the second most common cause of divorce, followed by one spouse’s cheating behavior. Nevertheless, most marriages failed for multiple reasons.

Affection is irrational but you’d better deal with it with utmost rationality. A healthy relationship is about two persons grow together.

▲Film“Sleeping with the Enemy is a 1991 American romantic psychological thriller film directed by Joseph Ruben and starring Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin and Kevin Anderson. The leading lady Roberts plays a woman who escapes from her abusive husband. Laura Burney has a seemingly perfect marriage life to Martin, a Boston financial counselor. Beneath Martin’s enigmatic exterior, he is essentially obsessive and controlling who emotionally, and sexually abused his wife.

[1] Director of the Center for Research in Employment, Skills and Society (CRESS) at Kingston Business School

[2] The survey collected the questionnaire from 1,060 divorced British men and women, with an average age of 54, more than 30 personal questions about their lives and the reasons behind their splits.

▲Film“Til Death Do Us Part” is about the story of a young abused wife who is struggling to escape a toxic marriage and find the strength to love again.

