Fight Against Coronavirus: Medical News from Taiwan
Prevention Tips and Preventive Measures | Coronavirus Disease Pandemic
The researchers found the virus could last for days on a surface, depending on the environment. For example, they found the virus can last two to three days on glass, fabric, metal, plastic or paper at 98 degrees and survive more than five days in human feces or bodily fluids. More Info: The Hidden Leading Cause of High Fatality Rate over COVID-19: High Blood Sugar
Wear a medical mask in an enclosed air-conditioned space
Wearing a medical mask if available to reduce the possibility of contracting COVID-19. Wearing a mask proved to be highly effective in protecting yourself from getting COVID-19 especially when you are situated in an enclosed air-conditioned space, such as subway, airplane and bus. To protect yourself, wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub and soap clearly every time after you touch the elevator and a doorknob. Wash your hands whenever you leave from a public area. Avoid touching your face in the outdoor areas. Bacteria may be prone to multiply if you put a used mask in a completely sealed plastic bag.
During the coronavirus disease pandemic, you’d better avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products, including raw meat or animal organs so as to avoid cross-contamination.
Wear a mask for the sake of protecting others
For people with a healthy immune system, wearing a mask during the coronavirus disease pandemic is to protect the ones with a weak immune system because people with a healthy immune system might barely have any symptoms when they are infected. You never know whether you are infected with COVID-19 only when you get tested.
Asymptomatic Infected Cases Are Innumerable
It’s worth noting asymptomatic infected persons spread the virus to others unconsciously and asymptomatic infected persons account for around 25% among infected cases. Further, COVID-19 remains to be infectious two days earlier before the infected persons show any symptoms. Again, infected undiagnosed cases are high.
If an infected person has strong immunity, the symptoms might be unnoticeable but the virus remains to be contagious and keep passing on to others. Also, COVID-19 proved to have a long incubation period. There is no vaccine for coronavirus disease. It might take years to develop a new vaccine.
Most people stop wearing masks after they arrive home or dormitory. You never know whether any of your family members or roommates get infected or not, including yourself. I would say, prevention of coronavirus is a comforting myth. The only antidote is to boost the immunity of individuals on a global scale.
COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory system. Tobacco has a detrimental impact on respiratory health. That’s why smoking absolutely increases the risk of contracting COVID-19. Regardless of the external temperature or weather, human body temperature should be around 36.5°C to 37°C. Lower body temperature is a sign of poor body circulation. Those who suffer from chronic stress are more likely to have lower body temperature. For adults, WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.
Q: Who is most at risk of the coronavirus disease?
People with chronic illness, particularly diabetes, and those with high blood sugar levels, because high blood sugar levels highly sabotage our immune system. More Info: Common Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes
Common Symptoms of COVID-19
Around 80% of infected cases recover from COVID-19 However, some people cause serious illness or even death. Around 1 in every 5 people infected cases develop difficulty breathing. People who have diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, or hypertension are at greater risk to be hospitalized after getting infected with COVID-19.
Evident symptoms include shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Fever, pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death only occur in more severe cases. Runny nose is not a common symptom of the coronavirus disease.
Q: Can COVID-19 be fatal?
COVID-19 infection cause mild or none symptoms for people with a healthy immune system. Nevertheless, it can be fatal for those who have a weak immune system, such as patients with diabetes.
Average Recovery Time| Coronavirus Disease
For mild cases, it takes approximately 2 weeks from onset to clinical recovery and it might take three to six weeks for severe cases. In Taiwan, diagnosed cases go to 449 and the number of rehabilitation goes to 438 and the death toll among all goes to 7.
Q: Can I drink alcohol during the coronavirus disease pandemic?
Alcohol works as a disinfectant on our skin, but the consumption of alcohol is likely to increase the health risks if you are infected with the virus. Alcohol might sabotage the body’s immune system. You’d better minimize alcohol consumption, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.If you feel stressed out, consider making a channel on YouTube by sharing your feelings, thoughts or expertise.
Take Advice from the Bible
According to the Bible, inner peace is the blessing from God and God has a preference for “cheerful givers.” To secure inner peace, be aware of the seven deadly sins, such as anger, pride, jealousy and lust. To repent and to love. According to the Bible, “ love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8 )
Foods for Stress Relief
▲I highly recommend non-sugary curry, avocado milk, non-sugary matcha tea powder with hot milk. Also, chill works well to boost our moods if you are free from stomach problems. Avoid sugar intake or minimize sugar intake.
Should coronavirus disease patients be isolated in hospitals?
Mild cases should be isolated to prevent further transmission. However, the hospitals of most countries have exceeded their capacity to care for patients with mild cases. Thus, we should work on boosting the immunity of the overall citizens and individuals. By raising our body temperature, we boost our immunity. By having an alkaline diet, we boost our immunity. By practicing forgiveness, we boost our immunity. In truth, repentance of the seven deadly sins helps activate humility and gratitude.
Does heat kill the coronavirus?
coronavirus disease can be transmitted in a hot climate. Nevertheless, heat at 56°C kills the SARS coronavirus at around 10000 units every 15 minutes.
Are people who recovered from COVID-19 immune from the disease?
No. There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 will be immune from a second infection.
What should I do if I test positive for the coronavirus disease?
You should isolate yourself from others and inform the government first. People who have been in close contact with you up to 2 days before you develop the symptoms should be tested. WHO advises that all confirmed cases, even mild cases, should be isolated to prevent possible transmission.
Originally published at Wise Library 1985.
Margaret W. Lavigne
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