聖經英文金句|中英文對照解析(1)Bible Verses About Prayer and God’s Discipline in English and Chinese

An Introvert's Garden Library
8 min readFeb 16, 2020


God knows the motives of our prayers. If we ask anything according to God’s will, God will respond. (John 5: 14, ESV) “You ask and not receive, because you ask with wrong motives” (James 4: 3).

上帝知道我們祈禱的動機是什麼。 如果我們按照上帝的規範生活,上帝就會回應。 (約翰福音5:14,ESV)如果你禱告卻沒有收到上帝的回應,因為你的動機不對”(雅各書4:3)。 重新思考您想要的是什麼。


The omniscience of God is assured. God is all-knowing and “God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).



“Love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4: 7–8) “Pray for each other” (James 5:16). “Get rid of all bitterness,” including but not limited to anger, and “every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31–32).

去愛,是贖罪最好的方法 (彼得一書4:7–8)“為彼此祈禱”(雅各書5:16)。 放下所有的怨懟,包括你沒有說出口的憤怒和各種負能量和負面思考(以弗所書4:31–32)。

God will correct those He loves and test “genuineness” of their faith (1 Peter 1:3–9 ESV). Do we remain righteous in the hard times? In the Bible, it says: Do not go for “self-seeking,” and do not “easily angered.”God has his will clear in the Bible. The importance of “ love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” is being highly valued in the Bible (Galatians 5:22–23)

上帝會用他的方法糾正他所愛的人們,並試探人們信仰的真實性(彼得一書1:3–9 ESV)。 我們在艱困的時期是否仍保持正直? 聖經提說:不要追逐私利,不要易怒。上帝在聖經中清楚表明他的意志。 上帝重視“愛、喜樂、和平、寬容、仁慈、善良、忠誠、溫柔和自制力”(加拉太書5:22–23)根據聖經,明白上帝的想法,知而不行的人,比不知者犯的錯更重。

#上帝的管教(God’s Discipline)

As to “God discipline,” God will “lead” those He loves “in paths of righteousness” in the role of a “shepherd” (Psalm 23:1–6 ESV) and lead those He loves away from the “temptations” of the 7 deadly sins (Matthew 6:13).“In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart” (John 16:33). “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty” (Job 5:17). “Many are the afflictions of the righteous” (Psalm 34:18–19 ESV).

God’s discipline is rife with love and benevolence. The difference between God’s discipline and God’s punishment is conspicuous. “For the moment all discipline seems painful [..] but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).

上帝以“牧羊人”的角色“帶領”他所愛的人“走向正道”(詩篇23:1–6 ESV),並帶領他所愛的人遠離罪惡與誘惑(。馬太福音6:13)

“在世界上,您會遇到磨難, 但要振作起來”(約翰福音16:33)。 被上帝管教的人們是被庇佑的人們, 因此,不要對上帝管教感到反感(約伯記5:17)。因為正直的人們也會遭遇苦難的磨練(詩篇34:18–19 ESV)。

上帝的紀律帶有仁愛與仁慈的初衷。 上帝的管教與上帝的懲罰兩者之間的區別非常明顯。 磨練的過程很辛苦,但正直的人們經過上帝的管教與磨練以後,將享受果實的喜悅(希伯來書12:11)。


In Hebrews 13:5, it says “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have.” Material enjoyment are common temptations. According to the Bible, “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10:). That fully explains why the Bible says, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (NRSV, Mark 10:23–27). As pointed in the Bible, those who have been “given much, much will be demanded” (Luke 12; 47–48). Keep going the right things and God will still supply your needs and guard your life.

希伯來書13:5提到:不要追求金錢的慾望,要滿足自己所擁有的。物質享受是常見的誘惑。 根據聖經的說法,對金錢的追求是各種罪惡的根源。 即過度渴望金錢會讓一個人脫離正確的信仰,進而留下很多遺憾(提摩太前書6:10 )。 這一點也充分解釋了為什麼聖經提到:一隻駱駝穿越過過針眼,比好野人進入天國還要容易得多(NRSV,馬可福音10:23–27)。 聖經提出:“被賦予很多的人,上帝對其要求也會更多(路加福音12; 47–48)。 堅持持續做正確的事,上帝便會滿足你的需求並守護你。


多數人全年的時間表都緊湊。 很多人長時期睡眠不足,精神上和身體上都很疲憊,但人們仍然沒有時間閱讀聖經。 是什麼讓人們如此繁忙地過日子? 人們想成為聚會中的“成功人士之一”,才能被重視,被羨慕,被尊重。 他們拼命追求即早成功累積財富。

無數人可能都沒有辦法在生前實踐聖經裡所說的7種美德。 也就不難理解聖經提到通往毀滅的大門是廣闊的,而通往永生和天堂的道路卻很狹窄(馬太福音7:13–14)。


生活就是要一步一步地pass 人生的所有課程。自律和善意是幫助我們pass 人生課程的解藥。History repeats. 如果無法實踐正確的道路,歷史將不斷上演!當我們通過上帝的課程,磨難便會結束,我們能成為更好的人,同時擁抱更美好的人生。






An Introvert's Garden Library
An Introvert's Garden Library

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